Parkinson’s Education Program of Greater Cleveland-PEP

Parkinson’s Education Program of Greater Cleveland-PEP


Parkinson’s Education Program of Greater Cleveland-PEP

Cleveland Heights Recreation Center
One Monticello Blvd.
Cleveland Heights, Ohio 44118


First Wednesday of each month-2:15pm


Dave Brandt
[email protected]

Excerpt from PEP News, July 20, 2024

From David Brandt

At our last meeting, Dr. Chuck Babbush and daughter, Amy Eisenberg, presented their organization, Papa’s Path. He explained his personal experience being diagnosed with PD including his successful DBS surgery. They discussed their plan on helping the day-to-day lives of PD patients through very simple ways. They want to create a standard “Parkinson’s starter kit” containing tools to maintain and improve quality of life for patients to receive upon diagnosis when emotions swirl and uncertainty roars. Chuck visited pharmacies and big box stores on the lookout for products to amplify his extremity strength and tune his motor skills. The thought is to provide the most sought after tools in one centralized place at either a greatly reduced price or potentially at no cost through donations. Our group was impressed with tools such as a zipper helper, water bottle top opener, long reach grabber, helpful bottle and can openers, nail clippers, and more. Many commented “Where and when can I get this?”. We will closely monitor their progress and hope to provide updates in the near future.