Why Papa’s Path

The Story Behind the Logo

Our father has always been a creative individual. As a surgeon he relied on his technical skills and natural dexterity to not only perform complicated procedures, but also to provide a better quality of life for those who turned to him. He made people want to smile again. It was not lost on us that he used these same skills to make us smile. He took up painting as a way to calm his mind and take a break from work. His colorful images and whimsical artwork appeared on everything from our wooden camp trunks to stretched canvas paintings. He thoroughly enjoyed it, and we were so proud to show off his “masterpieces.”

Following dad’s Parkinson’s diagnosis in 2017, we suggested he return to the painting that he loved so much. But with the constant movement of his tremors and dyskinesia, he found it challenging. Utilizing tape to lay out abstract designs, he was able to fill in the shapes to achieve the clean lines that seemed impossible with his Parkinson’s symptoms. These paintings became a wonderfully therapeutic outlet, especially for a retired surgeon who was used to having control over his hands. We all began requesting original Papa paintings. His grandchildren even scheduled time with him so they could paint together.

It is with these paintings that inspired the design of our new logo for Papa’s Path. We continue to support Papa on his new path and admire the unique ways he’s been able to manage and live on his journey with Parkinson’s.